Ruckley Hall Farm

Clients Criteria

Accommodation and building services are managed and provided by Ruckley Home Farm Ltd. Each client being provided with shared lease for the use of the facility. Care and support is provided by parents/ appointees who will have private funding or social services funding. Funding for care currently comes either from direct payments or a council funded and appointed agency.

Fitability is vital

We are a family striving to provide the resources for our daughter, who is diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum with severe learning difficulties and other complex needs, to have a rewarding and active life. We have a group of carers in place, who are dedicated to provide Isabella with the support she needs, enabling her to make meaningful life choices and support her social skills.

Ruckley Home Farm aims to provide Isabella and her contemporaries with affordable housing within an inclusive community. We’re getting ready to open our doors and we would love to hear from suitable clients who are keen to embrace these values and join us at Home Farm.

Please write to us at or leave a message on 01694 731361 to arrange a viewing.