Ruckley Hall Farm

About Us

The Dream

Ruckley Home Farm was our dream as parents of a young adult with special needs. When we reached semi -retirement in 2011, we realised it was now or never. With the support of family we started to plan the build. Meeting parents while watching their children take part in clubs and sporting activities, we discussed our concerns for the future of our children – where would they live and interact with others once their parents were no longer around to oversee their care?

The continuation

The team at Ruckley Home Farm is made up of a supportive family and friends network. We are writing from the perspective of the next generation – the generation that counts the residents of Ruckley Home Farm as our peers. We have also known the responsibility of ensuring our sister, Isabella, is in the best possible environment. We are planning as best we can to ensure all occupants have the freedom to continue their favourite hobbies and pastimes as well as the potential to explore new activities that they may have never tried before. Our goal is to try and make sure there is never a dull day at Home Farm! As construction reaches completion our excitement has escalated. We shall soon be opening the doors to Ruckley Home Farm and we look forward to what the future will bring.