Ruckley Hall Farm


Ruckley Home Farm offers supported living accommodation for young adults with learning difficulties.

The vision for Ruckley Home Farm has been born from the desire and need to secure lifelong supported living accommodation for young adults with learning difficulties.

As a family, we have been privileged to live in a safe and beautiful countryside setting in the heart of Shropshire. This has enabled us to pursue a long held dream and embark upon a project to create a secure environment for young adults with learning disabilities similar to our daughter Isabella, where independence and support come together.

We are delighted to now see this come to fruition and we have begun the process of finding a group of young adults to fill the eight-tenanted, four-unit housing cluster.

Please feel free to browse the site and if you require further information or are interested in taking a look around please contact us through the following mediums:

Thank you for visiting us!